I decided for my first post I would start with my first soap. And how it all started. (If anyone is interested.) My friend Sarah innocently (or not so innocently, depending on how well you know her. You decide.) Sent me a bar of soap she found in a specialty shop in Oregon. I loved it. But seeing as I live on the east coast and about as far from Oregon as you can be, there was no chance of getting another bar. So I took a little of my grandmothers advice. "If you can't find what you need, make it." So I went on the hunt for instructions and materials. Along the way I found an amazing scent maker, and a lot of useful info. Now I may not be a true soap maker to the soap purest out there.(I am scared of the lye aspect.) I buy my base already made and melt it adding scented oils, misc herbs, and other goodies. Along with colors, and even chocolate syrup for a few of my creations. One of my cousin's favorite is glycerin soap with calamine lotion and oatmeal. (he wanders into the poison ivy a bit) the neighbor swears by the one I made him with aloe for a sunburn (Bald men should really wear hats)
Since I have started I have gone from misshapen globs to rather pretty bars. I have done favors for 3 weddings and 2 baby showers. A few gift boxes and misc. bars for friends and family as gifts and as orders. And even held a small demonstration for a couple of girl scouts to earn a badge.
But back to the first soap. The one pictured is a recreation of the bar Sarah sent. It is a pink grapefruit scent, with a loofah floating in it to give the illusion of a grapefruit slice. While I have many others I like as well, and will post them each as I get time. This one still has a special place in my heart.
And Sarah I do have a couple of bars being boxed up to send to you. Ya know, as a thank you for starting the madness.
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